About Us

“The world is One Family”
Our Mission and Vision statement is derived from the teachings of Munshiji viz.: the purpose of any educational institution is not only for providing training, information or skills for better jobs but more importantly to infuse a sense of devotion to higher values and introduction of seriousness of purpose in the broader sense of translating them to life with dedication. Munshiji believed in ‘Creative Education’ referred to as Bharatiya Vidya. It is just not enough to only develop the intellectual life of the students. It must be accompanied by moral and spiritual development. What is important is provision of value-based education. The value of education lies in cultivating all faculties of the student and making him fit for the eventualities and relations of life.

‘Where there is no vision, the people shall perish’
The ideals of Bharatiya Shiksha which have been handed down to us by Kulapati Dr. K.M. Munshiji are briefly stated below:
1. No promising young Indian of character should be left behind without Bharatiya Vidya, merely for want of funds.
2. Bharatiya Shiksha must be more formative than informative.
3. It must lead him to the highest self fulfillment of which he is capable
4. At some stage it must involve an intensive study of Sanskritic or Sanskritic language
5. It must stimulate the student’s power of expression
6. It must adopt
i. The guru attitude by the teacher ii. The shishya attitude by the student
7. It should teach the younger generation to appreciate and live up to the permanent values of Bharatiya Vidya
8. While equipping the student with scientific & technical training, it must teach the student not to sacrifice an ancient form or attitude to an unreasoning passion for change.
‘AMRUTAM TU VIDYA’ – “Knowledge is Nectar”
is the mission statement of our college. This is stated in the logo of the college printed on our letterhead, cover page of the prospectus, board at the main entrance & the college magazine.