Aided Coursed
Degree College
The students seeking admission to the F.Y.B.A., S.Y.B.A., T.Y.B.A., under the Three-year degree course will have to offer the following subjects :
Compulsory Subjects
1. Foundation Course Paper -1
2. Communication Skills in English
3. Any one of the following (a) Marathi or (b) Hindi
Optional Subjects
Select one Subject from each group. No subject can be selected in more than one group.
Group I | Group II | Group III |
History | Pol.Science | Economics |
Psychology | Philosophy | Sociology |
Anc. English | Anc. English | Anc. English |
Marathi | Marathi | Marathi |
Sanskrit | Sanskrit | Sanskrit |
A) Compulsory Subjects
Foundation Course: Paper II
B) Applied Component Group
Any one of the following
1. Business Communication
2. Book Keeping and Accountancy
3. Mass Communication
Note : Instruction in any of the above subjects under the Applied Component Group is permitted by the University only if a certain minimum number of students, as fixed by the University, would offer the particular subject
C) Optional Subjects
The Same three optional subjects as offered at the F.Y.B.A. level and there will be two papers in each of the optional subjects in each semester.
Subject Combination Permitted for T.Y.B.A.
Student can offer any one of the following Groups:
Group I : Economics (6Units)
Group II : 3 Units each of any 2 optional subjects offered at F.Y.B.A.and S.Y.B.A. level
Note : Instruction in a subject will not be imparted unless a certain minimum number of students offer the subject.
The students seeking admission to F.Y.B. Sc, S.Y.B. Sc, T.Y.B. Sc, under the Three – Year degree course will offer the following subjects :
Foundation Course : Paper – I
Any one of the following groups :
1. Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics
2. Chemistry, Botany, Zoology
The students seeking admission to F.Y.B.Com., S.Y.B.Com., T.Y.B.Com., under the Three -Year degree course will offer the following subjects :
(1) Foundation Course: Paper -I
(2) Business Communication
(3) Business Economics – Paper I
(4) Environmental Studies
(5) Mathematical and Statistical Techniques
(6) Accounting and Financial Management – Paper I
(7) Commerce – Paper I
(1) Foundation Course: Paper-II
(2) Business Economics • Paper II
(3) Commerce – Paper II
(4) Business Law
(5) Accounting and Financial Management – Paper II
(6) Applied Component Subject: Advertising or Mass Communication
(7) Management Accounting/ Auditing
(1) Commerce – Paper III
(2) Business Economics – Paper III
(3) Special Group:
Financial Accounting and Auditing – Paper I
Financial Accounting and Auditing * Paper II
(4) Related Applied Component
Students can offer any one of the following groups :
(i) Direct and Indirect Taxes & Export Marketing
(ii) Direct and Indirect Taxes & Computer Systems & applications
(iii) Direct & Indirect Taxes & Banking Law & Practice